(10) No field modifications have been performed that void the label.
Job site preparation for hardware is limited by NFPA 80 to the following modifications:
- surface-applied hardware – maximum hole diameter of 1″
- function holes for mortise locks – maximum hole diameter of 1″ with the exception of cylinder holes which may be any diameter
- holes for labeled viewers (peepholes)
- maximum 3/4″ wood and composite door undercutting
- preparation for protection plates
Field modifications such as preparing for electric strikes, adding glass lites, or mortising for a cylindrical lock or mortise lock pocket are not permitted by NFPA 80. These preparations must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s inspection service procedure and under label service, not in the field. The code official may require the assembly to be re-labeled if unacceptable modifications are found.
Source: NFPA 80 2007, 2010 – 4.1.3
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